Wednesday 18 August 2010

Time filling ideas and the nasty beeping noise

Okeydokey, so here we are, back on the old blogerog. Well, in general terms it's actually quite new, but anyway you get my meaning. I hope. Let's move on.

So I'm back home after a fantastic week at this Christian camp called Soul Survivor. I've been once before and it's just amazing- as a Christian, I find it really refreshing to be around so many other young people with similar beliefs. Though by the end of it I didn't look too pretty:

Plus a few of us made an incredibly nerdy game involving a stack of plastic cups, a penguin torch and a pack of cards, which is really far too complex and bizzarre to explain in one post and will probably end up with me losing the thousands who follow this blog*.

Anyway, I'm back home with a few more weeks to kill until the new term and college (screams) begins, so I'm determined to use them well. I'll maybe learn a few new songs on the ukulele, do a bit of cooking here and there and perhaps if I'm desperate I'll try a bit of exercise. But here's the thing- that's not nearly enough. If anyone's got any ideas for me to try out, for example knit a sweater, learn portugese, try out bog snorkeling then lemme know yeah? I'm up for almost anything. Well, most things. Okay maybe a few, but I'll try my best.

One thing I have noticed since arriving home is that my parents have rented yet another boxset of 24. Now I'm in no position to criticise 24, as I've never actually watched it. But after about ten nights of constant beeping noises thundering out from the living room it becomes pretty unbearable to live with (you know what I mean if you've ever seen it- every few minutes some digital clock thing beeps in an annoying fashion that makes me want to violently run down to asda and purchase a pair of ear plugs). So as you can imagine I wasn't really jumping with joy when I saw this latest season sitting innocently on our shoe cupboard. The thing's evil I tell you**. But ahh well, maybe this time round I'll be mature enough to cope...

Forget it, someone burn my ears off.

*When I say 'thousands' I actually mean 7. Let's not get ahead of ourselves now eh?

**The 24 boxset, not our shoe cupboard.

Monday 9 August 2010

getting a blog

Okay, so finally I'm here. After a holiday in France where bewilderingly everyone seemed to be dutch, I return home to find everyone's busy blogging their heart out. So being the natural sheep I've decided to follow suite. However, as I should have remembered, I have the internet skills of a caveman, so it's taken me a good hour to set up.

Firstly I spend 5 minutes trying to come up with a geeky-but-cool name and eventually settle with Dr Goofball which no doubt will want me to rip my face off with embarrassment in the future. Then I have to find a layout, which there only seem to be about 4 of to choose from. No doubt I'll find out later how naive I've been and that there are thousands to choose from.

Anyway, I finally sort out the ins and outs of my profile (finding a password a certain friend won't discover and use to destroy my popular base of followers) and try to figure out how to 'follow' people. In the end I end up accidentally following myself, which I doubt will allow my humble, modest persona to shine through. I click 'NEXT BLOG' in the vain hope that it will somehow lead me to a familiar blog of a friends. Instead I end up on 'Blonde Cow Photography's' page. Somewhat doubting I genuinely know this mysterious 'blonde cow' I decide it's probably better to try a different approach.

Anywhere so here I am with my blog don't you know, that is currently only followed by myself. Perhaps in a year or so I'll get the hang of it.