Monday 9 August 2010

getting a blog

Okay, so finally I'm here. After a holiday in France where bewilderingly everyone seemed to be dutch, I return home to find everyone's busy blogging their heart out. So being the natural sheep I've decided to follow suite. However, as I should have remembered, I have the internet skills of a caveman, so it's taken me a good hour to set up.

Firstly I spend 5 minutes trying to come up with a geeky-but-cool name and eventually settle with Dr Goofball which no doubt will want me to rip my face off with embarrassment in the future. Then I have to find a layout, which there only seem to be about 4 of to choose from. No doubt I'll find out later how naive I've been and that there are thousands to choose from.

Anyway, I finally sort out the ins and outs of my profile (finding a password a certain friend won't discover and use to destroy my popular base of followers) and try to figure out how to 'follow' people. In the end I end up accidentally following myself, which I doubt will allow my humble, modest persona to shine through. I click 'NEXT BLOG' in the vain hope that it will somehow lead me to a familiar blog of a friends. Instead I end up on 'Blonde Cow Photography's' page. Somewhat doubting I genuinely know this mysterious 'blonde cow' I decide it's probably better to try a different approach.

Anywhere so here I am with my blog don't you know, that is currently only followed by myself. Perhaps in a year or so I'll get the hang of it. 


  1. maybe it's best I burst the bubble now, there are thousands to choose from, and you can make your own, but if you're anything like me it'll be way too much hassle :D how was france btw?


  2. I wonder who that certain friend is? ;3

  3. France was brilliant thanks, though I broke a nail on a zipwire ;)and it rained a little. But yeah, on the whole funfunfun :D xx

  4. Aha, this made me laugh :)
