Saturday 30 October 2010

Folding skills and horses/cows.

Evening kids. And welcome back after my longest break between blogging of a whole 16 days. And there you were thinking I’d gone forever. Sorry about that.

Anyway a few days ago right, I was at a fish and chip shop near my grandparents (that’s the kind of healthy life I lead) and the person who served me had the fastest folding skills I have ever seen. Like ever. This may seem like a rather underwhelming and pointless talent to be blessed with, but seriously it was crazy. She folded those chips up like her life depended on it. So, naturally I asked if I could film her folding to put on my blog.

No I didn’t. I’m not quite at that level of nerdiness yet. I wish I had though, I can see you all now- the looks of shock and wonder on your faces as you played and replayed this video of insane folding power. But I’m afraid you’ll just have to use your imaginations to see it.

I also ended up going on a ‘fun’ walk in the countryside with my family which went around some cow-patted field somewhere in some town. We spent a good ten minutes of the walk debating over whether or not a horse in a field had a white coat on or was naturally patterned that way. That’s just a taste of how cultured and exciting family conversations get. It turned out to be a cow.

We also came along a large stretch of electric fence that we had to walk alongside. This made me extremely jumpy as I had a nasty encounter with one when I was younger. So every time anyone stepped within one metre of them I practically screamed at them to “GET AWAY FROM THAT EVIL THING YOU IDIOT!” By the time we finished I was a wreck.

And that’s about it in terms of life updates. 15 blogless days summed up in one beautiful moment of super-speedy folding. Oh, and my older sister’s back from uni for the weekend, which means that the TV has been well and truly taken over and will remain so for the next 24 hours. I usually end on a witty note, so I thought I’d ask you this- do you know any living soul who would ever consider buying this?

That is all.

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