Saturday 2 October 2010

Getting a job.

Recently I've noticed there's been a bit of a lull in the whole blogging thing with people. This is probably because people have decided to get on with their lifes and focus on more important things than blogging. I, on the other hand am far too sad to give it up and far too much of a slacker to focus wholly on college. So there we go, I will strive to keep this blog going for as long as I live. Or you die of boredom.

So anyway, as I'm now fully a student don't you know, I've decided that my lack of money is really just quite annoying now so I've been doing a bit of job hunting. Why do they call it that- job 'hunting'? In my case it's more job 'running-after-lamely-and-pleading-in-a-high-pitched-voice'. But I suppose 'hunting' is a little easier to say.

I've been handing out CVs in virtually every shop I pass at the moment
(not John Anthony mind, that shop is scary- see an older post Scary Shops for more on that)
and I even got an on-the-spot interview at a clothes shop. They didn't phone back. At one shop, after handing out my CV, I was asked what weekdays I would be available to work on.

"Eeeeuhhh Mondays" I blurted out to my horror, realising as soon as I'd said it that mondays are the only days of the week I'm NOT available. I stood there in awkward silence pondering whether or not to correct what I'd said. On the one hand I needed to say what days I would actually be able to work, but then it'd make me seem unproffesional and a bit, er, goofy. So I just stood there dumbly for about 15 seconds whilst the cogs clicked around in my head. I had to tell them in the end. They haven't phoned back.

So the search continues. I'll just have to bear with my skintness for a bit longer. It's not all that bad not having a job anyway. You have way more free time to see people and uhh...write blogs.

Rightyho, time to end on a more positive note I think. So here you go:

I'm sorry, but whoever made this is an actual genius. Full Stop. Night.

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